Show Case: MobileESS for Construction Site in Dubai

Introduction & Project Information

• Project Location: Dubai,UAE

• Project Type: Business site with 8 floors

• Delivery Date: Jan 2022 

• Supported Equipment: 3 Tower cranes, 2 hoist, 1 placing boom

• MobileESS Model: 20ft HQ All-in-One, 175kW PCS + 350kWh battery

• Operating Model: Battery swapping, off-grid



• Highest current measured: 400 amps

• 68% lower operating cost (1 x MobileESS replacing 3 x 100 kVA Diesel Generator), fuel cost saving 100kUSD/year  

• 72% CO2 reduction (1 x MobileESS replacing 3 x 100 kVA Diesel Generator)

• Zero on-site air pollution and noise, better for workers’health

Created On:2023-04-07 17:13
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